Thursday, March 19, 2009

Florida or California?

It's been wayyy too long!

I will be graduating college in 51 days. That is, if I can pass all my classes. I can honestly say I'm a little worried. But I'm trying not to think about it. I am so completely over biology. It's draining the life out of's so hard! I will be so relieved once I've completed these last three biology classes I'm taking. Also I'm taking a decorative and wearable arts class...aside from being lots of work...this class is pretty easy.

I had previously applied to the Disney College Program at Disney World in Orlando, FL. I have not heard anything yet, except for a letter telling me that I should know by April 17th. I know that some people have already been rejected or accepted. I am on spring break though...away from my PO Box. I called the mailroom, but alas...still no letter.

My brother, Jer, is possibly moving out to California to pursue his film making dreams. My cousin and his wife are quite possibly moving out there as well. That got me thinking about Disney Land in Anaheim, California. So I have applied and had an interview with the college program at Disney Land as well.

Who knows where I'll end up. Now all I have to do is wait until April 17th. I'm not a fan of waiting.

I'm also looking for a summer job here in Georgia from May to August, if anyone knows of any!

In other news, I turned 22 last friday! I don't feel as though I'm qualified to be 22 yet! It feels weird! I went to the Magic Kingdom for my birthday. It was awesome. I got in for free and they gave me a pin that says "Happy Birthday, Jenny" all the cast members kept telling me "happy birthday" all day.

The next day we went to the beach where I got scorched! I am not a sunscreen user...I just can't wrap my head around the idea of the sun being bad for me. That just can't be! I love the sun!

While in FL, I stayed with my Aunt Cindy and Uncle Vic and hung out with my cousins Paul and April and their spouses Kelly and John. I finally got to meet my cousin April's son, Dante...he is 18 months old and really well behaved. I love the Berry/Tomassoni's! I wish I loved closer to them so we could hang out more often!

I'm about to go be a good aunt and hang out with my sister-in-law, Becca and my nephew, Grant. Grant is 4 months old and super cute!

Spring break is going great.

I'll try to be better about updating.

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