I live in Southern California (or as my Californian roommate calls it, SoCal). I work for the happiest place on earth. I work where all the magic, make-believe, hope, and joy that is Disney was born. I am one of the millions helping to keep the magic alive. As one of my trainers said today, "It's up to us now." I'm a part of something special. I have the best job in the world and in my free time I can go to Disneyland or explore California as much as I want. My job opportunities are endless. I have two roommates, Megan, who is from California, and Amber, who is from China. They are super sweet. I could not ask for better roommates and friends. I have amazing neighbors, a sweet group of nice guys who are always in our apartment and are really great to have around. I have most of my super awesome family living within reach. I have already found a nice church that hopefully my schedule will allow me to get involved in. I have so many friends and best friends all around the country and even the world. I have the best parents and siblings. I have the sweetest dog on the planet. I have so many unique and exciting experiences and accomplishments under my belt.
I am SO thankful. Thank you, God. He has truly blessed me beyond my wildest dreams. I definitely wouldn't be where I am today without His hand on my life. I can't wait to see what He's got planned for the rest of my life. It's wide open.
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