Check out my new youtube account!

I am now a video blogger...crazzzzy!
So, I didn't realize how ridiculously shy I am. I can do all sorts of stupid silly things in front of a camera....but when it comes to being serious...I need some practice. I wonder if there is any deeper meaning to I not take myself seriously enough? Maybe that's why I always have trouble getting everyone else to take me seriously! Hmm...who knew you could learn so much about yourself just from making a video blog. :-P
My new video blog endeavour is made possible by my brand NEW MacBook!! Yay!
Also I have a NEW hair cut! It's super short. I've always wanted to cut it this short...It definitely takes some getting used to though. I go back and forth between loving it and hating it...I'm quite the indecisive woman.

We'll see what comes of this whole video blogging thing...I'm just testing the waters.
You are so funny. I need to update my blog...