Thursday, March 31, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 28
Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of
Wasting my life. I don't want to waste it. And I mean not to.
1 Corinthians 6:20
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 27
Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member
Me and Josh. I don't have many pictures with him or Jon...I guess they aren't really photo op kind of guys. This picture was taken in 2007 on the set of Dangerous Calling, Jer and Josh's feature film. What great memories! Josh is my oldest brother and he has a wonderful wife, Becca, and two amazing little boys, Grant and Hudson. He's a pretty silly guy behind closed doors. :)
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 26
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 25
Day 25 - A picture of your day
I spend the day at home with Molly. She is very sick. I've taken the rest of the week off to care for her. Please pray that she will have a peaceful death when it comes. She's been a part of my life since I was 10 years old. I've been dreading her death ever since she was born. :-/
Sunday, March 27, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 24
Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change
Time. Sometimes I wish I could fast forward it, other times I wish I could slow it down. Then again there are also days I want to freeze it entirely and still other days I wish I could rewind it. Of course I'm so finicky about what I want concerning the subject, that it's a darn good thing that I'm not able to change it.
I read this verse today and I think it applies..."He has made everything beautiful in its time..." Ecclesiastes 3:11 So I don't need to worry :)
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 23
Thursday, March 24, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 22
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at
Dancing! :D I wish I could dance like Mary Tyler Moore, the people on High School Musical, Michael Jackson and his ensemble on Captain EO, or the guys on Newsies.
Whenever I watch stuff like that I get all jazzed up. I love watching, but sadly I have no rhythm. I love to dance for fun though, with low expectations.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 21
Day 21 - A picture of something you hope you never forget
Life on the 4th floor of Bailey Mountain at Mars Hill College. My senior year of college was SO MUCH FUN! I miss living with Kristina, Kacie, and Karyn and constantly going down the hall and visiting our boys, Blaine, Vlad, Jared, and Waffles....and seeing Mikey, Reb, Stephen and whoever else would always be there. :D We had so many great people living on that hall! One big happy family. I miss all of you!! Thanks for all the laughs and good times.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 20
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
I'd love to go to China to visit my lovely chinese sister, Amber Fu. She lives in Chengdu, China. So that's where I want to go. I love her SO much!! I miss so much about her and my life with her when we were roommates. She was SUCH a great roommate! We were so compatible! I miss her calling me, "stupid Jenny" in the most loving way anyone could ever say that. I miss her saying "so cute, so cute" all the time. I miss her talking about how beautiful she was all the time...hahaha. I miss her child-like personality. I miss the way she felt everything SO deeply. She has a big heart and I love that. :D I wish it weren't so hard to go from America to China. It stinks having such a great best friend living SO far away!! Thank you, God, for Skype.
Also always wanted to go to Egypt, but every since I can remember people have always said, "I would hate to be in Egypt right now..." and I supposed the same comment works today. Bummer.
Monday, March 21, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 19
Day 19 - A picture and a letter
Today's picture is brought to you by the letter "W". Words with Friends is a great app. It's basically like an ongoing, relaxed scrabble game with your friends. My user name is jennylove. Here's a tip. When you're stuck, remember that "Xi" and "Qi" are words. Use them wisely. :)
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 18
Sunday, March 20, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 17
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
At the end of last year I was feeling pretty low. I was at the end of my rope. In a desperate attempt to find something to be excited about in 2011 I signed up for Passion 2011 that took place on January 1-4th. Those were perhaps the best 4 days of my life.
Passion is a christian conference/movement of young adults whose desire and hope is for the name and renown of Jesus Christ. In other words: a bunch of crazy kids on fire for God. It was amazing. Every sermon was precisely what I needed to hear, as if the speakers were speaking directly to me and my issues. I worked through a lot of crap. I guess you could say...I was like a lost sheep...I had lost my way...and Jesus came and found me at Passion 2011 and changed my life. :D My life has been impacted and altered. I am SO blessed.
Friday, March 18, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 16
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.
Walt Disney. It was either him or Louie Giglio. But I know Louie Giglio would not appreciate that because he'd rather me just put up a picture of Jesus...which I thought about but...I didn't want to go with the "Sunday school" answer.
Just think, Walt Disney dreamed up SO much of what I love in this world. That's so cool. What a cheery guy! He created SUCH a truly magical legacy. I believe in it his dream so much! He inspires me by all that he created! I'm so thankful for his life and his dream! :)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 15
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die.
If at all possible, God, I'd like to get married and start a family before I die...ya know...if you get a'd be nice...but only whenever you think I'm ready. Kthanksbai.
Excuse the cheesy clip art, though I think it's kinda cute. :P Except that I'm SO not into red heads!!....If it happens...send me a brunette, God. :) And the man I marry would never wear that tacky outfit with the french flare. Also I think the picture should have a beagle at our feet. And I'd like that pretty green dress in real life too. :P
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 14
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
Dad! We'd all be lost without him. He's a big goofball half the time. The best is when we playfully insult each other with things like, "stink face" and "shut up your face!" :D He's a great guy. You mess with him and I'm coming for you. So watch your back! :P
So thankful to God for such a great Dad!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 13
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 12
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 11
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate
It took me a while to come up with this one. Mostly because there are not many things that I hate. And the things that I dislike are too many to narrow down to just one thing. The only things I strongly dislike are intangible things that would be way too hard to capture in a picture or narrow down.
So here is one of the insignificant things that I hate: the clanging of pots and pans. HATE IT.
Whenever mom gets pots out for cooking, I get very irritated and loudly proclaim, "when I grow up and get married, I'm never using pots and pans!!!!" To which she always replies with some smart comment about how that would be impossible. Argh. Worst noise EVER!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 10
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the craziest things with.
Sara Bryant. She’s always smooooth like Dr. Pepper. We were the bright and shining rebel twins of Disneyland. It doesn’t get much crazier than that. Crazy for Disney, crazy for guest service, crazy for God. When we’re together we’re pretty darn nutty. I can always let my craziness show through when I’m with her. She doesn’t stifle my crazy side and that makes her so much more fun to be around! I love her! And I miss her SO stinkin much! “Buzz and Woody, Woody and Buzz, Buzz and Woody and Woody and Buzz!!” hehe.
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 9
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
Although I have many amazing best friends that I have made in different stages in life and during all of my adventures…none have been with me for the duration of my life like my mom and my dog have been. My mom and Molly have always been there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on. I love them! No matter where I am in the house, if I start to cry, Molly finds me and licks the tears off my face and paws at me. She really loves me and I realllly love her. As great as Molly is, usually mom has already made it to my rescue before Molly. They’re a dynamic duo of love and care when I need it most. ☺
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 8
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 7
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item
My t-shirt quilt and matching pillow. I made them one summer while I was in college. I set out to do it one day, took on the huge project, and got it done in a very short amount of time. I don't like being tied down by instructions that tend to stifled my creativity so I didn't sew it the normal quilt way or look up instructions, I just figured it all out by myself and sewed it all together in my own way. I love this quilt because I was so passionate about the idea and I enjoyed the process of making it so much. It's like a picture of who I am, because most of my interests, views, beliefs, and basically... my life are represented in it through t-shirts. It's a constant reminder of how blessed I am. Each piece of the quilt has a story attached to it in some way. One day if I do get married, I think it would be cool to sit down with my future husband and tell him the stories behind all of the shirts...if he'd listen. If our house were on fire I'd make sure to grab my quilt before I ran out the door!...and also all of my many journals and diaries through the years.
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 6
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day
I would LOVE to be a guest relations VIP tour guide one day. Or at least for a single day. Look at their cute little outfits! What a great honor it would be to be a guest relations cast member. I would take SUCH great pride in it. I love being cheery and friendly. It would be the PERFECT "Jenny job". Maybe one day.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 5
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory
There are far too many favorite memories and most of them are not documented. But this one seems to sum up a whole big collection of memories.
This is me eating a soft serve chocolate ice cream cone with marsh mellows on it, with my friends, on a spring afternoon, in the cafeteria at Mars Hill College in North Carolina. Bliss. I miss those days. Also this was in the era of Megan Anderson as my roomie. It was like Mars Hill: The Early Years, Original fab five small group. It seems like soooo long ago. I loved my college years. I wish that life were still so close knit like it was at Mars Hill. Eating in the caf or Lions Den was always my favorite part of the day because of the camaraderie among all the students, staff, and professors. One big family. :)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 4
Day 4: A picture of your night.
I was not sure if this meant a picture of a typical night or my night from specifically tonight. If it were a typical night it would be a picture of me, mom, and dad with snacks and blankets on the couch watching tv or a movie. But I think it probably means tonight. I am a nanny and I was working tonight. So this is a picture of a fort that I made. I'm starting to pride myself on my awesome forts. I know it's past midnight and my picture is late but that kind of also sums up my night because I had to work later than originally planned. But that's ok because I got to watch Peter Pan. :)
Friday, March 4, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 3
Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show
Full House! I own every episode. I'm in love with Uncle Jesse. I grew up with this show. Watching it brings me great joy!
This one was hard because I could have also put up the cast of Parenthood, Family Ties, Arrested Development, or the Dick Van Dyke Show. It was a tough decision.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 2
Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest
Kristin Wood. We've been best buddies for years since I was around 15 years old. She knows me and my family very well and we've been through a change in address together which bonds us even further. She was there to welcome me home to Georgia after my disney times. She's the best and I love her! I don't see her or talk to her nearly enough, but deep down we are always connected by our deep seeded silliness and various embarrassing mishaps through the years! :) She's like a sister to me! Ask her to tell you the story of her trip to the grand canyon sometime...teeheehee..
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 1
Day 01. A picture of yourself with ten facts.
1. My middle name is Love and I LOVE that.
2. I'll be 24 soon and that freaks me out.
3. In this picture, I'm wondering if I should cut my bangs again or continue to let them grow out with the rest of my hair.
4. I can't do a cartwheel...and that's ok! hehe.
5. I love that I was a cast member at Disney...I'm so proud of that and I feel so blessed.
6. I enjoy pretending and doing anything considered child-like. Like making tents or having picnics outside or looking at stars or playing with bubbles.
7. I enjoy drawing pictures/making collages or writing in my journal whenever I get inspired. I've been very inspired lately...
8. I love Jesus...and He's really the whole point of why I'm here...not really sure yet what He wants me to dedicate my life to yet tho. But I'm in the process of trying to figure that out.
9. I don't ever want to "grow up"
10. If I had a super power I would want to have Spiderman's powers mixed with Superman's ability to fly. If I could have a superhero I would want Spiderman with Clark Kent (Tom Welling from Smallville) as his secret identity instead of Peter Parker haha.
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